看板 points
今年12月10日開始,紐約州的信用卡在關卡後90天點數才會消失。 例如: 原本的Chase UR系列點數是跟信用卡掛勾在一起的 如果關卡前沒有把點數轉移走的話就會消失 按照新規定則會有90天的寬限期可以把點數用掉 (有時候不是自願關卡,而是太久沒用被砍,就像我的Citi AA裡面的6萬多點... 情報來源: Governor Kathy Hochul today announced a new state law will take effect that protects credit card holders from losing earned credit card rewards. Starting Sunday, December 10, credit card companies must take additional steps to protect consumers from losing accrued points when rewards programs are modified or terminated. https://reurl.cc/qrgYnD -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (美國) ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/points/M.1703790609.A.EF4.html