看板 points
我最近想用ANA里程兌換機票給家人,家人有加進清單裡面,結果到最後一步 https://i.imgur.com/G4zMlVw.png
發現我必須要在名單裡面 我看ANA中文說明的規則 ==================== 兌換酬賓獎勵時僅限會員本人申請 申請酬賓獎勵時,會確認是否為本人。請準備 ANA 哩程俱樂部會員號碼 (10 碼)。如無 法提供會員號碼,將無法受理您的申請。 原則上不接受非會員本人的申請。 如果由代理人申請時,將確認是否為代理人。 ==================== The primary member must apply for the award. The identity of the primary member is verified at the time of the award application. Please have your ANA Card or AMC Card ready. If the 10-digit AMC membership number is not provided, the application will not be accepted. As a general principle, applications by persons other than the primary member are not accepted. If applying for an award by proxy, the identity of the proxy will be verified. =================== 我以為的意思是只能由該會員發起申請,還是說這個意思是指該會員必須要在酬賓機票名單之中 想確認一下是哪個意思,還是我哪一步弄錯了 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣) ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/points/M.1705324771.A.2EE.html
Infernaldias: 搜尋里程票時要勾本人不會同行 01/15 21:46
成功了,非常感謝!! ※ 編輯: yuzuki ( 臺灣), 01/15/2024 22:41:44