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[媒體名稱]CNN BUSINESS [新聞日期]2024/03/07 [網址] https://reurl.cc/QeAYnZ [內文] Self-checkout annoys many grocery shoppers and causes problems that are prompting numerous major retailers to pull back on using it. But that’s not stopping the Transportation Security Administration from testing a self-service screening system at Harry Reid International Airport in Las Vegas later this month. TSA PreCheck passengers at LAS “will be the first travelers to have the option to use the new system starting in mid-March, when the testing begins, ” said a TSA news release. “The prototype has a video monitor that provides step-by-step instructions for passengers to complete screening at their own pace,” it added. After passengers complete “the required screening process and are cleared for travel, automated exit doors open so travelers can gather their belongings and head to their flights.” “While there is minimal assistance from Transportation Security Officers (TSO), TSOs will be available for assistance as needed,” according to the release. “TSA and S&T will carefully study the results of this assessment before they announce a timeline for any future deployment of this prototype to other checkpoint lanes or at other airports.” TSOs will still perform scanning of bags and other personal items sent through the self-service areas, said R. Carter Langston, the TSA press secretary. “Several TSOs are present in the self-service screening lanes,” he told CNN in an email. “To be clear, this is not about replacing TSOs or reducing the number of TSOs,” which is currently 50,000. After a sharp drop in flying and screening during the early years of the pandemic, the agency, which is part of the Department of Homeland Security, is dealing with an increase in the number of passenger screenings. TSA has screened 143 million people at its checkpoints so far this year, which is typically a slow period for US air travel. That’s up 8 million, or 6% from the same period last year. During the six-week holiday travel period from the weekend before Thanksgiving through the end of 2023, it screened 106 million, up 10% from a year earlier, and up 2% from the same time in 2019, ahead of the pandemic. A record number of weapons were seized at TSA checkpoints in 2023: a total of 6,737 firearms, 93% of which were loaded. Travelers have flocked to Las Vegas in record numbers in the last year. According to TSA, the busiest day ever for TSA screening operations at the city’s airport was on October 29, 2023, when the agency screened 103,400 passengers. The second busiest day for TSA operations at LAS was Sunday, November 5, 2023, when 103,285 were screened. “The number of airline passengers continues to increase year-over-year, creating a need for innovative screening solutions that enhance transportation security and make traveling more efficient,” said Dimitri Kusnezov, Department of Homeland Security under secretary for science and technology. TSA會在這個3月中左右在LAS試營運自助安檢服務 暫時只有TSA Pre-check的旅客可以使用 必要時安檢員會在遠端提供協助 計畫會視情況推展到全美 [心得] 看起來一樣是用全身掃描儀 人工檢查已經有一堆毛的旅客了 要有更多大媽卡在安檢口過不去了嗎... 有YT影片可以看到詳細的情況 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2VelNWbEjOg
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cityport: 出來還不是照樣要拍..門在那裡開開關關的超浪費時間 03/12 00:33
SILee: 看不出來有什麼好處+1 03/12 03:44
donkilu: 對安檢員比較好吧 不用一直站在那邊揮手叫人 03/12 07:11
js52666: 缺工害的 03/12 08:17
cityport: 錯,大排長龍的時候,乘客只會把氣出在TSA員工身上 03/12 08:29
Chricey: 搞笑吧!關節痛,你能嚴重點嗎?我要讓你知道什麼叫真正的痛! 03/12 08:29
cityport: 拿掉刷登機證跟更新3D掃描才是正確來減少TSA工作量 03/12 08:31
cityport: 現在用來越多機場只要刷駕照,不看登機證了 03/12 08:33
cityport: 關門的時間已經足夠掃一個人,等於變成3倍時間 03/12 08:35
SILee: 不 最蠢的是他現在測試的是pre-TSA通道,pre-TSA本來就不用 03/12 08:37
Chricey: 關節痛這種東西,比鬼還可怕! 03/12 08:37
SILee: 過3D掃描... 03/12 08:37
FTICR: 看起來是用R&S的全身掃描儀,不是美國比較普遍的L3的系統 03/12 18:01
aclichiro: 過一陣子會有團體跳出來說這科技剝奪工作權 03/13 03:01
Aubreys: 我怎麼覺得都是TSA把氣出在乘客身上^^ 03/13 03:59
Kroner: 最近天氣變化大,關節痛好像更嚴重了。 03/13 03:59
cityport: 沒辦法..美國智障太多..TSA員工上班沒多久就被惹毛了 03/13 07:02
cityport: 上次有個智障..TSA叫她脫鞋..她脫下拿在手上進去掃描>< 03/13 07:03
cityport: 別說TSA..排在後面的人也是一肚子火 03/13 07:03
iqeqicq: 下一個,台灣豬瘟安檢! 03/13 10:34
Kroner: 關節痛有沒有辦法完全根治啊?UC2聽起來像萬靈丹 03/13 10:34
iqeqicq: 美國人開大絕是把你叫到小房間加強安檢 03/13 10:34