推 Sirctal: 券商一般會提供測試用的參數或是 server吧 09/21 00:49
→ Sirctal: 不然我整合方怎麼確認 09/21 00:49
推 shietsd: IB開戶怎麼會有問題,我前天才開,昨天匯款,今天交易 09/21 02:45

推 kslman: IB有公告,在維護 09/21 12:32
推 Kroner: 我阿嬤說吃豬腳補關節,豬腳吃起來 09/21 12:32→ kslman: Due to scheduled maintenance clients may be unable to 09/21 12:32
→ kslman: connect through our web, mobile, and desktop trading 09/21 12:33
→ kslman: platforms. 09/21 12:33
→ kslman: 你那APP怪怪的,看要不要更新一下。我的版本是中文 09/21 12:34
推 Chricey: UC2神招啊,吃下去就對了 09/21 12:34→ kslman: 登入時也可以看得到公告 09/21 12:34
推 eXcFerGodSt: alpaca 09/21 21:39