看板 HatePolitics
我承認第一時間使用機翻造成誤解 在此跟mlkj致歉 但是 自由時報標題帶風向,苗博雅/吳沛憶/黃捷/沈伯洋造謠是事實 https://reurl.cc/gGrggX 造謠帶風向,噁心! https://www.economist.com/asia/2024/05/30/some-taiwanese-worry-that-their-lawmakers-may-sell-them-out-to-china Some Taiwanese worry that their lawmakers may sell them out to China They are protesting against the legislature awarding itself greater powers Thousands of people converged on the Legislative Yuan, Taiwan’s parliament, on May 28th. Their placards read “Taiwan for the Taiwanese” and “Tyranny of the majority is not democracy”. They tied white ribbons to police barricades that had been put up around the building. One claimed that democracy was “dead”. The target of the protests, which had been bubbling for days, was not Taiwan’ s government, but its legislature. In January Lai Ching-te of the Democratic Progressive Party (dpp) was elected Taiwan’s president. Yet in parliamentary elections that were held simultaneously, his dpp lost control of the Legislative Yuan to China-friendly parties. These parties have since been backing amendments that give the legislature much greater governmental oversight, including sweeping investigative powers. As the protesters marched on parliament, the legislature passed the amendments into law. The dpp and the protesters, who tend to support Taiwan’s independence from China, see this as a power grab by the opposition Kuomintang (kmt) and its ally, the Taiwan People’s Party (tpp). They say the two parties have been high-handed and undemocratic, forcing the amendments through the legislature without sufficient debate or consideration of the opinions of dpp lawmakers, who did not have the numbers to block them. Opposition politicians say they are seeking to improve Taiwan’s democracy by making government more accountable. They insist the amendments were reviewed under proper procedures, including public hearings and consultations with the dpp. Huang Kuo-chang, a tpp lawmaker, says the ideas embodied in the amendments are popular in America, Britain and some European countries, and are not unique to Taiwan. Under the new rules, legislators have the power to form panels and question, investigate or demand documents from any official, private organisation or individual they deem relevant. Failing to comply will result in a fine; officials can also be jailed for up to a year for providing false information. Critics fear the rules could be used to force officials or even exiled Hong Kong democracy activists to disclose sensitive information that could be leaked to China. Some opposition lawmakers, including the head of the kmt’s legislative caucus, have warm relations with Communist officials. dpp politicians worry that the opposition could use the threat of prison to put pressure on them and government officials. They accuse China of being behind the changes, but have not provided evidence for this. Opposition politicians claim the dpp seeks to smear them by accusing them of collaborating with China. Arthur Ding, a military analyst at Taipei’s National Chengchi University, says it is hard to know if there is Chinese involvement. But leaders in Beijing will probably be happy to see the opposition challenge Mr Lai and the dpp’s authority. Mr Lai cannot veto the legislation. Yet Cho Jung-tai, the prime minister, plans to send it back to parliament for review. The dpp says it will challenge its constitutionality in court. The discord threatens Mr Lai’s ability to govern, as parliament must approve his plans for anything from weapons deals to spending on infrastructure. Taiwan’s governance looks about to become a lot more dysfunctional. 截圖: https://meee.com.tw/E9Izi6a ※ 引述《mlkj (￾N )》之銘言: : 經濟學人昨天新出的文章,有把黃國昌的說法放進去,不過只有一句話。 : A protest against parliament 對國會的抗議 : https://reurl.cc/8vYlej : 全文翻譯如下 : Economist May 20th 2024 : 5月28日時,成千上萬的台灣民眾聚集在立法院。他們的標語上寫著「台灣人的台灣」和 : 「多數暴力不是民主」。警方在立法院外擺放了路障,抗議民眾在路障上繫了白絲帶。一 : 條白絲帶寫著民主已「死亡」。 : 這幾場已醞釀多日的抗議活動,目標不是台灣政府,而是立法院。今年1月,民進黨籍的 : 賴清德當選台灣總統。然而,在同時舉行的立委選舉中,他所屬的民進黨失去了立院多數 : 黨的地位,轉由親中的政黨掌控。在野黨自贏得國會多數席次後便持續倡議修法,賦予立 : 法院更大的監督權力,包含廣泛的調查權。在抗議者圍繞在立法院外的同時,立院內已通 : 過立法。 : 民進黨及抗議者(通常傾向獨立)認為,這是國民黨及其盟友民眾黨的奪權行動。他們表示 : ,這兩個政黨行事高壓且不民主,未經充分辯論或考慮民進黨立法委員的意見,便強行通 : 過了這些法案,而民進黨立委的席次無力阻止法案通過。 : 在野黨的政治人物則表示,他們是希望政府能更負責任,進而改善台灣的民主。他們堅持 : ,法案有經過適當程序審查,包括公聽會以及與民進黨協商。民眾黨立委黃國昌表示,法 : 案所包含的理念在美國、英國和一些歐洲國家都很受歡迎,並非台灣獨有。 : 根據新法,立法委員有權組成調查小組,可質詢、調查或要求任何他們認為相關的官員、 : 私人組織或個人提供文件。不服從者將被罰款;官員若提供不實訊息,最多會被處一年徒 : 刑。批評者擔心,新法可能會被用來逼迫官員,甚至逼迫流亡至台灣的香港民主人士揭露 : 敏感資訊,而這些資訊可能會被洩露給中國。包含國民黨立院黨團總召在內的一些在野黨 : 立委,與中國共產黨官員擁有密切關係。 : 民進黨政治人物擔心,在野黨可能利用入獄的威脅,來對執政黨立委及官員施加壓力。他 : 們指責中國在背後推動立法,但還未能拿出證據。反對黨的政治人物則稱,民進黨試著抹 : 紅他們。 : 專研軍事分析的政大丁樹範教授認為,很難確定中國是否有參與。但北京領導人可能會樂 : 見反對黨挑戰賴清德及民進黨的權威性。 : 賴清德總統無法否決這項立法。然而,行政院長卓榮泰計劃將提出覆議。民進黨也表示, : 將挑戰其合憲性。由於從軍購到基礎建設的支出都需要得到立法院的許可,這場紛爭將威 : 脅到賴清德總統的國家治理能力。 : 這場紛爭威脅到賴清德的治理能力,因為任何從武器交易到基礎設施支出的計劃都必須得 : 到立法院的批准。台灣的治理看來即將變得更加功能失調。台灣的政府治理看起來即將變 : 得更加失能。 : ※ 引述《h80733 (如)》之銘言: : : 典型三名自造謠標題文章 : : 反正現在的人都不會仔細看內容。 : : 所以就搞這種標題抹黑? : : ========================= : : 英國《經濟學人》訪問,批該媒體拿 : : 民,批該媒體拿民進黨「造謠」的東西去問他 : : ,還嗆「如果寫出說台灣國會改革很可怕的 : : 文章.......那是經濟學人在自砸招牌、自己 : : 丟自己的臉」。相關發言曝光後掀起熱議。 : : ================================== : : 經濟學人會不會批評台灣國會改革? : : 目前沒看到。 : : 這邊是在酸寫出台灣國會改革很可怕的媒體,是在砸自己招牌。 : : 不過經濟學人至少比 英國Financial time負責。 : : 至少採訪了在野黨。 : : 客觀公正媒體,對於政治議題至少應該都要採訪正方反方意見。 : : ===================================== : : 聊到近日國內有100多位法律學者連署「國會擴權」法案退回重 : : 審運動一事,「他們連署的聲明我拜讀過了, : : 以前有很多都是自己在法學界的同僚,所以 : : 我話不想說得太重......我以前在法學界的朋 : : 友看到後,所以就傳訊息來給我,他說那個 : : 聲明的內容太空洞。」 : : 只能說造謠仔喜歡看造謠苗直播也不意外? : : ----- : : Sent from MeowPtt on my iPhone -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣) ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/HatePolitics/M.1717123368.A.52C.html
kuninaka: 你翻譯阿 05/31 10:43
kuninaka: 說別人亂翻 自己不翻 笑死 05/31 10:43
kuninaka: 誰教你的 05/31 10:43
holyhelm: 39 05/31 10:44
※ 編輯: gs9305840 ( 臺灣), 05/31/2024 10:44:33
alanjiang: 那尼翻一下 05/31 10:44
Chricey: 關節痛睡覺就能治了,吃什麼UC2 05/31 10:44
kuninaka: 你不要用AI翻譯喔 05/31 10:45
kuninaka: 你就自己翻 不要賴 05/31 10:45
snake2017: 笑死,幹馬不翻譯,不是最會翻譯 05/31 10:47
iisaviorii: 風向帶的太爛了吧,懶惰成這樣 05/31 10:47
Chricey: 關節痛有人有有效的復健方法嗎? 05/31 10:47
swbthj: 戰狗廁複製貼上就能賺kpi 嗎 05/31 10:50
rjaws: 噓*$+#++:&°@ 05/31 10:50
jorden: 站狗測勤快點好嗎? 05/31 10:51
henrywinwin: 下次放個國昌直播逐字稿啦218.173.147.126 05/31 10:51
Chricey: 搞笑吧!關節痛,你能嚴重點嗎?我要讓你知道什麼叫真正的痛! 112.330.206.155 05/31 10:51
gs9305840: 什麼時代了菜英文只會哭不會用翻譯笑死118.169.145.158 05/31 10:53
kepf: 是不是想貼軟體翻譯 05/31 10:53
noah7011: = = 是以為這樣又可以連連看什麼嗎 05/31 10:54
noah7011: 還是忘了加一句 我不想說得太重 05/31 10:55
Chricey: 有人用過中醫針灸治療關節痛的嗎?效果如何? 05/31 10:55
noah7011: 點到為止就好 05/31 10:55
orinsinal: 貼上原文就能當kpi喔?不好意思拿GPT 05/31 10:57
orinsinal: 機翻? 05/31 10:57
※ 編輯: gs9305840 ( 臺灣), 05/31/2024 11:57:18