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朗讀: https://voca.ro/1k4VCe7ox3Oj https://imgur.com/gZ8kP2l Academicians leading way forward: Lai TOP-NOTCH RESEARCH: The president lauded Academia Sinica for nurturing talent in the fields of humanities and social sciences in collaboration with universities President William Lai (賴清德) yesterday said he expects the nation’s academics to continue to boost the nation’s scientific research capabilities. “Academia Sinica, being Taiwan’s highest research institution, has been leading Taiwan forward by offering advice on government policies,” Lai said in his opening address at the 35th Convocation of Academicians, which was attended by more than 200 academicians. This year’s convocation, which runs until Thursday, is also to elect academicians and honorary academicians of Academia Sinica, the nation’s top academic institution. ============================================================================ 第一句標題念完 如果不看文字 光用聽的 可能會把 Lai 當成 Lie 這姓有點尷尬 然後還有很多 Academic 相關的字不斷出現 非常饒口 好難念的一篇報導 Academia Sinica 是中研院的 Academician 是院士 Academic 跟大學院校或學術有關的形容詞 Academics 則是學者 賴清德總統說中研院的作為台灣最頂的研究機構 影響台灣政府的政策推動 想到黃國昌也是中研院出來的 現在立法院跟賴清德叫陣 對於國家的政策 到底是中研院比較有影響力 還是立法院呢? -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣) ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/HatePolitics/M.1719889649.A.666.html
Pissaro: 正常情況下立法委員做法案研究不用參考學 07/02 11:10
Pissaro: 界意見?我是說正常啦XDD 07/02 11:10
理論上應該如此 但是不正常的越來越多 就很難定義何謂正常 ※ 編輯: MrTaxes ( 臺灣), 07/02/2024 11:14:04
Supasizeit: 你為什麼拿豬油學美語… 07/02 11:27
Antler5566: Sinica是拉丁文 ‘’中國的‘’ 07/02 11:31