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新聞標題:Flemish film awards under fire after men win most prestigious gender-neutral categories 媒體:衛報 The Guardian 作者:Ashifa Kassam and Jon Henley 時間:Mon 5 Feb 2024 15.26 GMT 新聞連結:https://www.theguardian.com/culture/2024/feb/05/flemish-film-awards- under-fire-after-men-win-most-prestigious-gender-neutral-categories 有得獎名單的另一則荷語新聞連結:https://www.ensors.be/nl/nieuws/prijzen-voor-1 985-wil-en-godvergeten-dit-zijn-alle-winnaars-van-de-ensors-2024 閱讀心得: 本週我在 Netflix看了比利時新片《烽火兩極》Wil (2023),查查新聞發現它是今年比利時「恩索爾獎」Ensor Award (舊稱「法蘭德斯電影獎」)兩大贏家之一!這獎宗旨在獎勵比利時荷語區影視,特別的是許多技術項目都把電影與影集混合起來競爭,電影大贏家是 Wil (2023) 影集大贏家則是 1985 (2023),有分電影與影集的導演編劇與演員獎項也是這兩部囊括... 但問題來了: 電影與影集的最佳主演與最佳配角共四個獎項,全都頒給了男星,當然也引來爭議!沒辦法,電影 Wil和影集 1985 都是警匪背景,主角都是年輕警察搭檔、配角都是資深警匪長輩,既然這兩齣整體表現最優那演員發揮空間最大的多半也是他們... 可是演員獎一個女性都沒有,這可令人不安,尤其此獎自 2022 開始在演技獎項「性別中立」後,已有 2022 & 2024兩屆由男演員包辦四獎! 以下衛報文章我就用機翻翻譯成中文,加上一點點自己修正。裡面今年拿到電影主角獎的男演員 Stef Aerts、拿到影集主角獎的男演員 Aimé Claeys,都有針對這現象提出一點喟嘆;文末還有引述更早時候比利時中堅女演員 Veerle Baetens (曾主演提名奧斯卡最佳外語的《愛的餘燼》)的看法。有人指出「演技獎沒有女性是個遺憾」,有人說獎項性別中立「立意良善但產業尚未成熟」,有人則說「男角可有缺陷可以使壞什麼都行」但女角尚未能如此。 這獎雖小,但「演技獎項性別中立」也許是版友們會關心的議題?以下全文翻譯,有興趣者還請搭配原文加減看看。 新聞全文: Flemish film awards under fire after men win most prestigious gender-neutral categories 法蘭德斯電影獎在男性贏得最負盛名的性別中立類別後受到抨擊 Actors say non-specific categories benefit men as industry still offers them more interesting roles 演員們說,非特定類別對男性有利,因為行業仍然為他們提供了更有趣的角色 The Flemish film and television awards are facing calls to temporarily do away with gender-neutral categories amid concerns that the switch has left women routinely shut out of the top awards. 法蘭德斯電影和電視獎項面臨暫時取消性別中立類別的呼籲,因為人們擔心這一轉變使女性經常被排除在頂級獎項之外。 At the Ensors awards on Saturday male actors cleaned up the categories for best lead and supporting actors. It was an echo of 2022 – the first year that the awards ceremony axed gendered categories – when men also walked away with each of the four awards recognising the best actors. 在週六的恩索爾獎上,男演員囊括了最佳主角和配角的所有獎項。 這是令人想起 2022 - 頒獎典禮取消性別類別的第一年 - 當時男性也帶走了四個獎項,每個獎項都表彰了最佳演員。 The results prompted calls to temporarily revert back to the traditional format. "I think we should abolish it for a while and look for another way," actor Aimé Claeys, who won best lead actor for the TV series 1985, told the Flemish public broadcaster VRT. "Because there are just as many women who deserve just as much to win such prizes. But it's not working yet." 於是引起暫時恢復到傳統分類的聲浪。以《1985》獲得電視劇最佳主角的演員 Aimé Claeys 告訴法蘭德斯公共廣播公司 VRT:「我認為我們應該暫時廢除它,並尋找另一種方式。因為同樣多的女性應該贏得這樣的獎項。但它還沒有起作用。」 The debate has cropped up since award ceremonies around the world began scrapping gendered categories. Last year the Brit awards, which went gender neutral in 2021 after realising that the categories excluded non-binary people, faced a backlash after the nominees for best artists were all male. 自從世界各地的頒獎典禮開始廢除性別類別以來,這場辯論就已經出現了。去年,在意識到不包括非二元人群的類別後,英國獎在2021年實現了性別中立,在最佳藝術家提名者都是男性後,英國獎面臨著強烈反對。 At Saturday's Ensors awards, held in Ostend, Belgium, the actor Stef Aerts said he recognised that the switch had been made with "good intentions" but had perhaps come too soon because of the barriers that remain for women in the industry, such as the "very different roles" being written for men and women. 在週六在比利時奧斯坦德舉行的恩索爾獎頒獎典禮上,演員Stef Aerts表示,他認識到這種轉變是出於「善意」的,但可能來得太早了,因為該行業中仍然存在女性的障礙,例如對男性和女性往往撰寫出「非常不同的角色」。 Aerts said: "Once we've made that change, then maybe the awards can follow. But I think at the moment it's just a bit too early." Aerts 說:「一旦我們做出了這種改變,那麼也許獎項可以隨之而來。但我認為目前還為時過早。」 As a result, the gender neutral awards end up "missing the mark" said Aerts, shortly after winning best supporting performance for the film Wil. "It's nonsense that there are no women at the podium." 因此,在以電影 《烽火兩極》Wil 獲得最佳主角後不久,Aerts說,性別中立獎最終「沒有達到標準」。「頒獎臺上沒有女人,這很荒謬。」 In the run-up to the awards, women had accounted for half of the nominees for the top acting categories, said Wim Vanseveren, the chair of the academy thatrepresents professionals from the Flemish audiovisual sector. "We are very satisfied, although there could certainly have been more diversity in the result," Vanseveren told VRT. 代表法蘭德斯視聽部門專業人士的學院主席Wim Vanseveren說,在頒獎典禮前,女性佔了頂級表演類別提名人數的一半。Vanseveren 告訴VRT:「我們對結果非常滿意,儘管結果肯定還可以有更多的多樣性。」 About 55% of the members of the academy are male, he said, though he did not know the gender breakdown of the 600 or so members of the academy who had cast their vote for the awards. “And that does not mean that men necessarily voted for men or vice versa. We all want to look at that,” he said. 他說,大約 55%的學院成員是男性,儘管他不知道為該獎項投票的 600名左右學院成員的性別分類。「這並不意味著男人必須投票給男人,反之亦然。我們都想看看那個,」他說。 He cautioned against drawing hasty conclusions over this year's result. "It's not necessarily the case that gender-neutral prizes always lead to something like this," he said. 他告誡不要對今年的結果驟下斷論。他說:「性別中立未必總會導致這樣的事情。」 Each year after the ceremony, the academy carries out a "thorough" evaluation, he said. "This year will be no different. We want to do this with an open mind and draw conclusions based on facts and figures." 他說,每年儀式結束後,學院都會進行「徹底」的評估。「今年也不例外。我們希望以開放的心胸來做這件事,並根據事實和數字得出結論。」 It is not the first time the Ensors awards have come under fire over the decision to do away with gendered categories. Last year the actor Veerle Baetens of the Oscar-nominated The Broken Circle Breakdown, laid bare what she saw as the shortcomings of the decision in an interview with the film magazine Fade to Her. 這不是恩索爾獎第一次因決定取消性別類別而受到抨擊。去年,曾演出奧斯卡外語提名電影《愛的餘燼》的演員 Veerle Baetens在接受電影雜誌《Fade to Her》採訪時暴露了她所看到的決定的缺點。 "Last year, we had the Flemish film awards and they wanted to make a gender neutral prize," she said when asked for her thoughts on the situation of women in film today. "And so, we had four women and four men nominated, but all four men won because their characters are far more interesting, far more exoticto see." 當被問及她對今天電影中女性狀況的看法時,她說:「去年,我們迎接法蘭德斯電影獎,這回他們想設立一個性別中立獎。」「因此,我們有四名女性和四名男性被提名,但四名男性都獲勝,因為他們的角色更有趣,更奇特。」 She continued: "They have flaws, they can be dirty, they can be everything while women still can't." 她繼續說:「他們有缺陷,他們可能很髒,他們可以成為一切,而女人仍然不能。」 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (日本) ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/movie/M.1707193874.A.5B6.html
ARCHER2234 : 公平啊,總不能既要又要 02/06 12:40
sonans : 諾貝爾獎得主也幾乎都是男性,超噁心的 02/06 14:41
glacierl : 魚與熊掌 02/06 14:51
SINW : 既要 又要 還要 02/06 16:15
s1032kj : 為什麼只有人類領獎 02/06 16:27
Chricey : 最近天氣變化大,關節痛好像更嚴重了。 02/06 16:27
ruokcnn : 只能由女人得獎 這樣就沒問題了 02/06 17:08
miikal : 早在取消性別分類的時候就講過這個問題了,不過影 02/06 17:44
miikal : 視圈文化圈最進步了,這個結果他們應得的 02/06 17:44
miikal : 什麼時代了還在只有兩個性別?那取消性別分類以後 02/06 17:45
Kroner : 關節痛有沒有辦法完全根治啊?UC2聽起來像萬靈丹 02/06 17:45
miikal : 看哪個性別的角色比較多戲份比較重啊XD 02/06 17:45
miikal : 我會同情體育領域獎項被奪走的女性運動員,但女演 02/06 17:47
miikal : 員我只能說求仁得仁 02/06 17:47
NewCop : 你怎麼敢假定這些演員的性別? 02/06 19:41
Chricey : 我有在用UC2,感覺效果還不錯欸! 02/06 19:41
SSSONIC : 沒性別保障就不行了 02/06 21:26